Title: Beneath the unclouded and mild azure sky, upon the fair face of the pleasant sea, wafted by the joyous breezes, that great mass of death floats on and on, till lost in infinite perspectives.
30 inches by 10.75 inches
acrylic paint, colored pencil and ink on found paper
July 5, 2010
This scan looks rather small online because of the odd dimensions. The actual art is quite large, almost 3 feet wide by 1 foot tall.
ReplyDeleteMatt, I think I may have died and gone to heaven. I'm going to love exploring this blog, as I can virtually recite the book by heart (truly) as I read it so much.
ReplyDeleteAway on hols, but I'll be back!
Titus, thank you so much, those are very kind words and they are deeply appreciated. I'm glad you found this project, and I truly hope you enjoy your journey through the first 300 images. 252 more to go and I'll finally be done. It is definitely a personal and at times rather unorthodox response to the novel, but I am very proud of what I have done so far.