Title: Now, during the past night and forenoon, the Pequod had gradually drifted into a sea, which, by its occasional patches of yellow brit, gave unusual tokens of the vicinity of Right Whales, a species of the Leviathan that but few supposed to be at this particular time lurking anywhere near.
9.75 inches by 7.75 inches
acrylic paint, ink and watercolor on found paper
July 18, 2010
I just wanted to tell you I think this project is FANTASTIC! I love the idea, love the obsessiveness of the pursuit and the drawings are just gorgeous. I'm thoroughly impressed. I will be in the front of the line to buy the book when it does finally come out!
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow artist I also wanted to share with you my own Moby Dick creation (also an obsessive pursuit...): http://www.cherylsorg.com/moby_dick.html
With great admiration for your work,
Cheryl Sorg
Cheryl, I am absolutely thunderstruck by your art, your comments, and your compliments. Very very sincere thank yous, this means a great deal to me. I have never considered myself an artist, and at times have been in awe of, and envious, of those who have been able to pursue that path, through both education and career. Your site and your work are just incredible, so to receive a compliment like this is really just...stunning to me.
ReplyDeleteI will be writing and posting a brief entry today or tomorrow to hopefully point other visitors toward your work, particularly your "Moby-Dick" inspired piece which is breathtaking, terrifying and beautiful all at once.