Friday, January 14, 2011

MOBY-DICK, Page 519

Title: From beneath his slouched hat Ahab dropped a tear into the sea; nor did all the Pacific contain such wealth as that one wee drop.

6 inches by 10 inches
acrylic paint on found paper
December 31, 2010


  1. Wow, another unforgettable image.

  2. I am really relieved to read this, Buck. I had hoped to be able to paint something really starkly simple yet still very powerful. I'm not always the best judge of my own work, and often I tend to be shot through with doubt and harsh self critique. It is good to know I was able to accomplish what I had hoped for with this.

  3. so stricking to see the quickness and starkness of this, followed by page 520's minutiae, and each so expressive in its own right.
    (working toward the end! i did bring hom from the US your edition of MD - tho i might have to acquire another version to be able to actually read it...)

  4. Lizzy, this line is so singular and so poignant and powerful and I wanted to show that in the piece. I went around and around for a while with it, and finally just pushed in with a few raw brushstrokes. That turned out to be just what the image needed.


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